О том, что действующий международный аэропорт Алматы якобы не справляется с пассажиропотоком, не раз заявляли специалисты от авиации. Так, например, об этом неоднократно говорил заклятый друг воздушной гавани южной столицы президент авиакомпании “Эйр Астана” Питер ФОСТЕР.
- Мы все хорошо знаем этот город, расположение аэропорта и знакомы с этой проблемой, которая, к сожалению, никуда не денется и всегда будет там присутствовать, - цитирует КазТАГ его слова, сказанные на заседании коллегии Министерства транспорта и коммуникаций (МТК) в начале этого года. - Единственным возможным решением этой проблемы в будущем является рассмотрение вопроса об альтернативном аэродроме. Как вы помните, 10 лет назад поднимался вопрос о строительстве нового аэродрома к северу от города вдоль Капчагайской трассы. Возможно, сейчас наступил момент, чтобы вернуться к этим планам.
А совсем недавно, в конце сентября 2011 года, мажилисмен Ержан РАХМЕТОВ обратился к премьер-министру с предложением построить в Алматы новый аэропорт.
- Уважаемый Карим Кажимканович, прошу вас рассмотреть возможность строительства нового аэропорта на совершенно новом месте, предположительно вдоль Капчагайской трассы, недалеко от Алматы, но в то же время на достаточном расстоянии от воздействия туманов, - заявил народный избранник. - Для этого необходимо привлечь крупную известную международную компанию для разработки проекта на перспективу.
Уже 3 октября в Минтранскоме состоялась презентация нового аэропорта, который, скорее всего, будет возведен в том самом месте, о котором пророчествовал депутат. Проект представила некая малайзийская компания под названием ALR Builder.
Планы малайзийцев поистине наполеоновские! Мы приведем ряд технических параметров нового аэропорта в сравнении с характеристиками действующего аэропорта в Алматы.
В рамках развития нового туристического комплекса “Жана Иле” за Капчагаем нам обещают построить пассажирский аэропорт площадью 150 тыс. квадратных метров (действующий терминал Алматинского аэропорта - всего 24 тыс. кв. м). Новая воздушная гавань, уверяют проектировщики, сможет обслуживать в год 30 млн. пассажиров (через действующие воздушные ворота за 2011 год пройдут 3,6 млн. человек). Если планам малайзийских бизнесменов суждено будет сбыться, новый аэропорт будет круче крупных мировых хабов! Посудите сами, все терминалы московского международного аэропорта Шереметьево обслуживают в год около 15 млн. человек, а, например, международный аэропорт имени Даллеса в Вашингтоне - 25 млн.
Иностранцы уверяют: на строительство им понадобится 5 лет. При этом прожектеры предлагают свои условия: они сами вкладывают в строительство свои деньги - около 1,5 млрд. долларов, сами управляют аэропортом, сами получают все доходы с деятельности и берут на себя все риски. А государство не вкладывает в проект ни копейки. Правда, при одном условии: если Казахстан выделит им 15 тыс. гектаров земли.
Не надо быть специалистом, чтобы понять: для самой воздушной гавани территории 15 тыс. гектаров более чем достаточно. Сравниваем все с тем же действующим Алматинским аэропортом. На его территории расположены достаточно большой терминал, недостроенный новый, две большие взлетно-посадочные полосы и прочее аэропортовское хозяйство. И все это размещено на каких-то 450 гектарах. Видимо, предприимчивые инвесторы собираются использовать выделенную землю не только под воздушную гавань...
Кстати, на заседании Минтранскома присутствующие поддержали проект. Хотя скептики утверждают, что презентованный аэропорт - из области фантастики. Взять хотя бы его месторасположение. Во-первых, из центра южной столицы добираться до него на автотранспорте придется дольше, чем лететь из Алматы в Астану. Во-вторых, некоторые считают, что возвести такую махину за 5 лет нереально - к стройке нужно будет подвозить миллионы тонн стройматериалов и прочего оборудования. А поскольку железная дорога туда не проложена, везти весь груз придется на машинах. В Берлине тоже решили построить новую воздушную гавань - в 12 километрах от города. Стройка там началась в 2006 году, и, дай бог, ей завершиться в 2012-м. И это в Германии с ее развитой сетью железных дорог и скоростных автобанов! Впрочем, как признают даже скептики, если государство не теряет на этом проекте деньги, почему бы и не включить ему зеленый свет?
Другое дело - пропускная способность аэропорта. Как сообщил нам источник в авиационных кругах, по прогнозам, в 2015 году аэропорт Алматы обслужит около 4,5 млн. пассажиров, в 2020-м - 8,5 млн. Когда (и главное - где) малайзийцы наскребут 30 млн. клиентов - не понятно.
Между тем до сих пор не решена судьба второго терминала международного аэропорта Алматы, стройка которого началась в 2007 году, но пока возведен лишь железобетонный каркас. Как мы уже сообщали, эту проблему воздушной гавани “привез” прежний глава международного аэропорта Алматы Таир ИДРИСОВ, в бытность которого порт залез в долги на многие миллионы долларов. Год назад мы писали: на строительство нового пассажирского терминала прежняя администрация затратила свыше 65 млн. долларов, хотя, по предварительному расчету, достаточно было всего 15 млн. (см. “Порт, который спёрли”, “Время” от 9.6.2010 г.).
Совсем недавно на незавершенной стройке провели аудит крупные европейские компании. Их вердикт: на завершение строительства нужно еще 85 млн. евро. При этом площадь нового терминала 51 тыс. квадратных метров. Это, утверждают аудиторы, огромная территория, которая в ближайшие десятилетия не будет востребована. А ведь ее нужно обслуживать - обогревать, освещать и т.д. Все это владельцам воздушной гавани южной столицы обойдется в приличную сумму. Аэропорту будет выгоднее возвести новый терминал площадью в два раза меньше. Его строительство с нуля обойдется дешевле, чем достройка старого, - в 60 млн. евро.
Владельцы алматинских воздушных ворот, судя по всему, пока не определились, что же им делать. А потому вновь наняли консультантов для разработки мастер-плана развития аэропорта до 2020 года. К середине 2012 года специалисты смогут сказать, что лучше: достраивать незавершенный терминал, возводить новый или расширять уже действующий.
Алматы, пишет газета "Время".
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Ken Griffey Jr. will be
Ken Griffey Jr. will be returning to a different Mariners organization than the one he walked away from eight months ago.
And the man responsible for bringing Griffey back as a special consultant says that's just as well.
Mariners president Chuck Armstrong, who said Tuesday the hiring of Griffey for an off-field job was two years in the making, noted that an almost entirely different coaching staff is part of the transformation that has occurred since Griffey bolted into retirement last June.
Several players on the team at that time have also left as the Mariners rebuild from the ashes of yet another 100-loss season. And Armstrong says he hopes that bringing Griffey back can help show the players still here what being part of the organization is truly all about.
"He wants to tell the kids coming through our system what it means to be a Mariner," Armstrong said. "And why that's special to be a Mariner. And I can't think of anybody who can better deliver that message than Ken Griffey Jr."
Griffey is to attend part of spring training in March, after he finishes some overseas commitments. He'll also make several trips to Seattle and visit Mariners affiliates during the season.
"I'm looking forward to staying very involved with the Mariners, working with the players throughout the organization, staying involved with the community and assisting in other areas of the organization," Griffey said in a release put out by the team. "It's an exciting time and I'm appreciative of the opportunity."
Armstrong also said talks are under way to possibly have Griffey make an appearance at Safeco Field for the home opener in April.
But there remains a bit of unfinished business from Griffey's last go-round with the team that might need addressing before he embarks on his future role. Griffey has never spoken in public about the reasons he abruptly retired last June 2, driving off on a cross-country trip to his home in Orlando, Fla., without bothering to tell either manager Don Wakamatsu or general manager Jack Zduriencik.
Griffey's playing time had been cut to virtually nothing at the time, and he and Wakamatsu hadn't spoken for two weeks. Sources close to Griffey said he was furious over his treatment and that he initially suspected Wakamatsu of leaking a story to a newspaper in May about his being asleep in the clubhouse during a game.
A player told The Seattle Times last season that Griffey shared his suspicions with several veterans on the team. It wasn't until several weeks later that Griffey apparently realized Wakamatsu wasn't the leak and that — as the newspaper story said — two young players had been the sources.
But by then, Wakamatsu's already-tenuous hold on the clubhouse was spiraling out of control.
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The Mariners fired Wakamatsu, pitching coach Rick Adair, bench coach Ty Van Burkleo and performance coach Steve Hecht in August. They did not renew the contract of bullpen coach John Wetteland after the season, nor did they invite third-base coach Lee Tinsley back to the major-league squad.
Armstrong said last year that Wakamatsu's firing had nothing to do with Griffey.
But it remains to be seen how fans will react to a player some perceive to have quit on the team twice: once when he helped orchestrate his trade to the Reds a decade ago, then again last June.
On Tuesday, Armstrong said that Griffey would address the media upon his arrival at camp and explain his reasons for leaving.
"He and I talked the day that he did leave," Armstrong said. "We might have wished that he did it differently. But in his mind, he did it the right way for himself and for the franchise. He claimed he was thinking about the franchise. But that's in the past, and I'd like him to address that when he comes to spring training and then I think we can put that behind us."
The Mariners were left reeling last year after the 101-loss, turmoil-filled season, then the death of Hall of Fame broadcaster Dave Niehaus in November. There's a sense that with the Mariners facing a difficult task in placating fans during what looks to be a difficult 2011 rebuilding year, bringing Griffey back could help from a community-relations standpoint.
"He's volunteered to become involved with our corporate business partners," Armstrong said. "He's volunteered to participate in any types of activities that seem like they would be good fits. We know what a generous man he is. We know what he's done even after he left Seattle as a player. I think he is so smart and just so savvy about things. And he said, 'I just want to help.' He said, 'I just want to do what you guys think would be a good fit.' "
New Mariners manager Eric Wedge said it's key for former players like Griffey, Edgar Martinez, Jay Buhner and Dan Wilson to help keep today's players up to speed on the team's history.
"I want our players to understand, first and foremost, the history of baseball and have a good understanding of what's gone on before them. I think you have to respect that," Wedge said.
"But ultimately, you have the history of the Seattle Mariners, too. It's a short-term history. It's not going to be a thick book like some of these 100-years-plus organizations. So there's no reason not to understand the short-term history of Seattle and some of the things that have happened here."
And team president Armstrong said he doesn't believe history should get in the way of Griffey helping to carry the team's legacy forward.
"As far as I'm concerned, all that's behind us," he said. "I'm just happy to have him back and welcome him back home."
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Roger Jongewaard doesn't want to dwell on the awkward ending to Ken Griffey Jr.'s career, which grinded to an uncomfortable halt on Wednesday.
Jongewaard prefers to think about Griffey's glorious beginnings.
It was Jongewaard, as the Mariners' scouting director, who made the recommendation in 1987 to select the high-school outfielder from Cincinnati's Moeller High School with the No. 1 overall pick.
Granted, it didn't take a baseball Einstein to recognize the burgeoning phenomenon that was Griffey. But Jongewaard had to convince skeptical M's owner George Argyros that Griffey was the right man. Argyros, it seems, was still irked about the slow progress of Jongewaard's previous year's No. 1, outfielder Patrick Lennon.
"I told him I wanted to take Junior," recalled Jongewaard, now 74 and living near San Diego, where he scouts for the Florida Marlins. "He said, 'No, there's a college pitcher from Fullerton I think is better suited for us, Mike Harkey.'
" 'No, Junior's the guy,' " Jongewaard assured Argyros.
" 'That's what you said about the last guy,' " the owner replied.
Jongewaard ultimately won that debate, and the rest is baseball history and Seattle legend.
As time passes, the napping controversy, the painfully low production numbers, the abrupt decision to pack up and head home, all the distress from Griffey's desultory 2010 partial season will fade into oblivion.
Or, at worst, it will fade to obscurity, hidden on some dark shelf in the attic, while his glittering body of work shines in the sun.
After all, does anyone downgrade Babe Ruth because he hit .181 his final year, at age 40 with the Boston Braves, feuded with management, and had teammates who refused to pitch if he played the outfield?
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Is anyone's memory of Mike Schmidt diminished because he, like Griffey, hung on one year too many and walked away in May 1989, embarrassed by his limp .203 batting average?
Of course not. The truly great ones transcend their denouement, no matter how distressed, and are seared in our memory banks as perpetually young, vibrant and in full command of their skills.
At least Griffey went out with some symmetry: He retired 75 years to the day after Ruth did, and 23 years to the day after the Mariners called his name in the '87 draft. And his last official appearance, a fielder's choice as a pinch-hitter against Minnesota on May 31, occurred 19 years to the day after his father, Ken Griffey Sr., played his last game, also as a Mariner.
Griffey Jr. always had a certain flair, but if he left in a bit of a huff, it was in step with the hypersensitivity that permeated his career. Griffey was, for the most part, a joyous personality and an infectiously positive presence. Yet when he seethed, you knew it.
Jongewaard recalls watching Griffey for the very first time at the Connie Mack World Series in New Mexico, when even as a 16-year-old he was so dominant that pitchers routinely pitched around him. When the intentional walks became incessant, Jongewaard recalled, Griffey defiantly put his bat behind his head as the pitches were in progress.
"A lot of scouts were really upset because of that," Jongewaard said. "I thought, 'Well, that's good, because they won't take him even if they draft ahead of us.' "
Griffey's limitless potential was evident literally from day one, when he showed up at the Kingdome to take ceremonial batting practice with the Mariners shortly after the draft.
"He jumped into the cage and he was hitting more home runs than Alvin (Davis)," Jongewaard remembered. "He looked like the best hitter we had. Most kids in that situation are scared to death. He was used to being in major-league stadiums. He was completely comfortable."
It was Jongewaard who drove Griffey up to Bellingham for the start of his professional career. Jongewaard invited him to breakfast one morning.
"He said, 'I don't eat breakfast. I'm kind of a junk-food guy, Twinkies,' " recalled Jongewaard. "He had a great body, of course. I said, 'Holy cow, he doesn't even have to work at it.' "
Some believe that Griffey would ultimately pay a heavy price for a laissez-faire attitude toward fitness as his career progressed, but the fact his body broke down though all those injuries was probably more attributable to his time on the hard Kingdome turf.
The fact that Griffey's decline followed what used to be a standard timeline before the freakish extension of the prime of some players, most notably Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens, merely strengthens the prevailing sense that Griffey steered clear of performance-enhancing drugs.
In his biography of Bonds, "Love Me, Hate Me," author Jeff Pearlman recounts a dinner conversation between Bonds and Griffey after the 1998 season.
As Pearlman describes it in the book, Bonds told Griffey, "As much as I've complained about McGwire and Canseco and all of the bull with steroids, I'm tired of fighting it. I turn 35 this year. I've got three or four seasons left, and I wanna get paid. I'm just gonna start using some hard-core stuff, and hopefully it won't hurt my body. Then I'll get out of the game and be done with it."
Griffey is quoted in the book as saying: "If I can't do it myself, then I'm not going to do it. When I'm retired, I want them to at least be able to say, 'There's no question in our minds that he did it the right way.' I have kids. I don't want them to think their dad's a cheater.' "
I e-mailed Pearlman and asked him if, in the course of researching the Bonds book, he became convinced that Griffey was clean.
"If you had asked me three or four years ago, I would have said yes, definitely clean," he answered. "But I don't give the 100 percent-beyond-a-doubt status to anyone anymore, including Griffey. Do I hope he was clean? Yes. Do I believe he was clean? I guess probably. But it'd be naive to be convinced about anyone. Even him."
That's a justified response in this era, though I have never found cause to question Griffey's legitimacy, nor has anyone in baseball I've ever spoken to. A Mariners teammate, Norm Charlton, recalls watching Griffey's raw power manifest itself even as a teenager, when he would come work out at Riverfront Stadium while Charlton was pitching in the Reds' organization.
"I don't even question that," Charlton said. "I wouldn't even put Junior in that category. It's a no-brainer for me."
Griffey's minor-league stay would last just 129 games before the Mariners threw away any pretense of more seasoning and put the 19-year-old Griffey where he belonged — on the major-league roster to start the 1989 season.
His penchant for dramatics was immediately shown when he doubled in his first major-league at-bat, off Dave Stewart, and homered on the first pitch he saw at the Kingdome, off Chicago's Eric King. You couldn't script that kind of stuff.
Oh, you could have scripted a better ending for Griffey, one in which he rode off into the sunset (or was carried off on his teammates' shoulders, ahem).
But that's just a temporary blot. The Junior portrait that will survive the test of time has his hat backward and a huge smile on his face. The Junior video we will replay in our mind is a Hall of Famer in his absolute prime.
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Dad took me to my first Mariners game in 1986. I was 13 and the M's stunk. When we walked out through the concourse and I saw my first glimpse of the Kingdome field, I was hooked. People say the Kingdome was ugly, but at the time, I had never seen anything so beautiful.
The Mariners weren't on TV much and other than an occasional box score in the newspaper or the friendly voice of Dave Niehaus on the radio, there wasn't much reason to pay attention in Seattle. That all changed in 1989.
The Mariners had the next great player, a prodigy, the son of a major-league All-Star. They had "The Kid" and he was supposed to be great. Boy, was he ever.
For Mariner fans, it was love at first sight. The backward hat, the innocent smile, the most beautiful baseball swing I have ever seen. He hit home runs like it was easy. He played center field like he had been born to do nothing else, and when Edgar doubled down the line in '95, he raced around third and saved baseball in Seattle.
He became the most popular player in the sport, loved by thousands of fans all over the world. But as a kid growing up in the Northwest, he was more than that. He was ours. He was mine.
That's a great thing about sports, you can sit in the stands and cheer for someone along with thousands of other people, and they can still feel like they are yours. He was my favorite player. He was my baseball hero.
And last weekend I got to spend a day with him.
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My brother was playing in a charity golf tournament and when he saw that Ken Griffey Jr. was going to be there, he called in a few favors and arranged to play with him. Then he arranged for me to tag along. (Surely a debt that I can never repay)
I'm almost 38 years old. I'm a father of 2 boys and well past the stage where anyone should have a sports hero. However when I walked out onto the golf course and saw him, shook his hand and introduced myself, I didn't feel 38. "Hello, I'm Ken" he said. I felt like I was 12 years old.
For the rest of the day I tagged along while he played golf. He could not have been any nicer. We hung out and joked around, talked about golf, baseball, his kids, my kids.
I bet I have watched him hit a baseball 1,000 times and now I was watching him swing a golf club from 5 feet away. I couldn't help myself: "Swung on and belted!"
After golf we went and had lunch together. Talk about surreal. I have a poster of this guy up in my room at home and now we're having French fries together (for crying out loud, I even passed him the ketchup!) After lunch we ended up just sitting and talking for about two hours. He was gracious and engaging. Outgoing and humble. He posed for a photo and signed an autograph for me. In total we spent about six hours just hanging out. I'm sure for him it was just another afternoon, but for me it was six hours I will never forget.
"Thank you for playing the right way," I told him. "Thank you for never giving me a reason to regret telling my son's you are my favorite player. Thank you for coming back to Seattle so that I could sit in the stands with them and watch you hit one out."
"I hope you know how cool I think this is?" I said.
"What did you think I would be like?" he asked. "I'm just a normal guy who happened to have a really cool job."
Maybe so. But for me and so many other Northwest baseball fans, he was a lot more. We watched him play, collected his baseball cards, wore his jersey and hoped he was as great a person as we built him up to be.
He was. And I got to pass him the ketchup.
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In a spring when time hasn't always appeared kind, Ken Griffey Jr. once again found a way to make it stand still.
Griffey swung at a full-count pitch from Kip Wells in the bottom of the ninth on Friday and gave it a ride back to the days when the guy with 630 career homers could find the sweet spot seemingly any time he chose. The 9,009 fans at Peoria Stadium let out a collective gasp as their hopes were answered and Griffey gave them the flashback they'd envisioned on an otherwise uneventful day to that point.
It was only spring training for a guy hitting .179, but somehow the ball that carried over the right-field wall for a 6-5 victory over the Cincinnati Reds seemed to instill hope of more magic to come. Both for a Mariners team facing numerous hurdles heading into the season, and for No. 24, trying to show he still has something left in what will likely be his final season.
"I saw all my guys at home plate," Griffey said. "That's one of the best feelings in baseball, to see all your guys waiting for you. It doesn't matter who it is. You saw it last year when Ichiro hit a walkoff (home run). When the guys come in, that's the part of being a team everybody wants to see."
Mariners manager Don Wakamatsu joked afterward that Griffey did a good job of setting up reliever Wells by swinging at two pitches in the dirt after the count had run up to 3-0. Griffey had been hit in the ankle by a pitch from Reds first-rounder Mike Leake earlier.
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Leake said after the game that Griffey had been his boyhood idol and he didn't know whether he was supposed to apologize to him or not care.
Griffey hasn't looked much like that player Leake idolized for a good part of the spring. The Mariners plan to go with Griffey as their main designated hitter against right-handers, but he's had trouble making solid contact.
Griffey himself shrugged off questions about his slow start.
"It's spring training," he said. "It's spring, everybody's working on something. I just started being able to do some things. I just happened to get the ball up in the wind tunnel."
One of the things Griffey's been doing is sitting back and looking at pitches.
"I've been out front on a lot of things," he said.
Griffey attributed that to being overanxious, something he quickly added is normal for him in just about every at-bat. One guy feeling anxious as Griffey battled at the plate in the ninth was Reds manager Dusty Baker.
"With that wind blowing out you say 'Oh, Lord! Don't let it get up in the air,' " Baker said. "He's not Ken Griffey Jr. for nothing."
And on a day time stood still, he reminded folks he still was.
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Since he drove off into the sunset on June 2 after deciding to retire from baseball, Ken Griffey Jr. has rarely been seen or heard publicly.
Griffey did emerge to eulogize Mariners announcer Dave Niehaus, but otherwise he has had few post-retirement pronouncements.
But that doesn't mean Griffey, who turned 41 in November, has gone into hibernation. His longtime agent, Brian Goldberg, said Griffey is enjoying his life in Orlando, Fla., as a full-time civilian.
"Kenny was able to enjoy certain things in the summer he was never able to do before," Goldberg said.
That included watching his daughter, Taryn, play high-level AAU basketball, and his son, Trey, play high school football. He even helped coach the junior football team of his youngest son, Tevin, this fall.
"Right now, he's pretty much having a normal offseason, being a husband and dad," Goldberg said. "He's weighing options on what he wants to do from here on out. I've been fielding a lot of calls, a lot of different types of things, whether it's business related or sports. He's weighing how much time he wants to spend with any particular thing.
"One thing you don't have to worry about with Kenny is him making that transition to the after-playing life. Ken is very secure in who he was as a player, who he is now as a retired player, and who he's been as a husband and father."
Could Griffey pull a Brett Favre and reconsider his retirement?
"I definitely don't see that happening," Goldberg said, with a laugh.
But a reconnection with, and a role in, the Mariners' organization is likely to occur for Griffey.
"I'm confident that will happen in the future," Goldberg said. "It's just a matter of when, and what might be the right situation."
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